Why Root 2 Rise?

Root 2 Rise instills an eagerness to learn in high school students, even in those who may have lost faith
in education and doubt their abilities.

The program taps into powerful motivators: the self-esteem derived from purposeful work and the joy derived from helping others.

Tutor-Mentors quickly gain the enthusiastic trust of younger students, who often bond with and confide in these young “teachers.” Their classroom teachers welcome their help.

The results have been overwhelmingly positive. Almost 95% complete the program and about one-third of these students express an interest in a career in education. If they follow this path, they begin with a solid background of actual experience, increasing their chances of success, a welcome outcome in efforts to reverse a shortage of teachers.

As noted by the Center for Black Education, “Research shows when Black students have Black teachers who reflect their experiences and worldviews, they perform better in school. “But most students go through 13 years of public education without a teacher of color. As a result, Black students continue to fall short of their academic potential.”

Root 2 Rise was created by Denise Hanson, a teacher who sees the potential in every student - and empowers them to discover this for themselves.

The emphasis on cooperation and collaboration engages and benefits students, teachers, parents, and support staff. The result is an ecosystem of caring, an environment that offers both high support and high expectations.

As one Partner Teacher observed, “Root 2 Rise helps students understand what they need to know. It also helps them discover who they want to become.

Optimism grows and hope flourishes through Root 2 Rise, thanks to the encouragement of supportive Partner Teachers, and the enthusiasm and respect of younger students.