Root 2 Rise
High school students become academic tutors and behavioral mentors.
High school students become eager learners and confident leaders
For all students, enthusiasm for learning
Growing confidence and mutual respect .
Please join us on April 27 to celebrate how the Root 2 Rise community helps high school students discover fulfilling career and personal goals. The event features music and comedy, appetizers, drinks (featuring a signature drink from Dancing Goat Distillery), silent auction, and testimonials from Root 2 Rise Tutor-Mentors, Partner Teachers, parents, and school district officials.
Details will be available soon on this website.
The podcast is moderated by Joseph Thigpen Jr., 25, who discovered his passion for education after participating in Root 2 Rise. He has since combined a career as a special education assistant and Greatness Coach with college, all while serving as project coordinator with Root 2 Rise. His long-term goal is to “pay it forward” by ensuring that more students can experience the “remarkable benefits” that occur when high school students discover their talents and ability to lead.
Root 2 Rise Thrive
Career and educational support after graduation.
Root 2 Rise helped Cquemiah Clark-Richmond discover a career. Thrive now helps her attend college.
In their own words: Videos
Root 2 Rise utilizes practices recommended by the National Gang Center to discourage youth gang involvement.
“I’ve struggled with addiction and made some poor choices in the past. Fortunately, I found help and advice from Root 2 Rise Thrive and elsewhere when I needed it.”
Luis Rodriguez
“Root 2 Rise held me to a high standard. Many of my friends just went with the crowd, and many of them are now dead, in jail, or homeless.”
Joseph Thigpen, Jr.